I have chosen you; I have called you; you are Mine. (2 Thessalonians 2:13; Ephesians 1:4-6)
I know you're not perfect. I've forgiven all your sins; just tell Me about them, and then we'll forget it. (1 John 1:8-10)
No, you're not a failure. I still want you to help carry out My purposes. (Ephesians 2:10; 1 Corinthians 3:9)
I have a plan for you. It's okay that you don't know all about it yet. I do, and that's what matters. (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 33:10-11)
I know your life is hard sometimes, and you don't always understand why things happen the way they do. I do understand, and most importantly, I have control of everything. Nothing happens without my permission. (Romans 8:28; Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-7)
Trust me. In everything. I'm bigger than all your problems, and I will take care of you. (1 Peter 5:6-7; Romans 8:35-39)
These promises of God are true for you, too.
Read those passages from His words to you. Yes, God wrote the Scriptures with you in mind--and me, and everyone else who has ever lived.
Just trust in his promises. Read these words of God, spoken through Paul to the Thessalonian believers:
"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it." -1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

This was beautiful. :) Thank you for linking this post up to the Moms Against Manic Mondays blog hop! What rich reminders of promises from Him. Thank you, Jaimie.
ReplyDeleteWith love,
From My Mountain View [dot] com
thank you so much, Rebecca! I really enjoyed visiting your blog yesterday. :)
DeleteI'm so glad you stopped by! You have a beautiful heart, Jaimie. Hope to meet up with you again soon. :)
some of the best passages to read when we're feeling down or inadequate. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteMare, YES! I'm going to have to go back to this post myself for reference! :)
DeleteSo touched by your paraphrase of His promises..gonna copy them and keep them close..so personal - our Lord's love and care for us..thank you !!!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much, Bonnie. :) Hopping over to your blog! :)
DeleteOh, seriously these are so great to read! They are so beautiful and soothing to the soul. I just love reveling in the thought that these are promises meant for me! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS! Your post is this week's FEATURED POST on Moms Against Manic Mondays blog hop! :) Thanks so much Jaimie for joining the link-up and for your super encouraging words! Feel free to grab my button from the side-bar that reads, "I Was Featured On From My Mountain View," to post to your blog or this week's Moms Against Manic Monday post! :)
ReplyDeleteWith love,
From My Mountain View [dot] com
Thank you so much, Rebecca! So exciting! :)
DeleteI really love your blog. Especially this one... "I know your life is hard sometimes, and you don't always understand why things happen the way they do. I do understand, and most importantly, I have control of everything. Nothing happens without my permission. (Romans 8:28; Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-7)." I can feel it in my heart... so touching.. Thank you so much for sharing this.
ReplyDeletechurch oakville
Thank you so much, Megan! I'm glad this was a blessing for you. Thank you for commenting!
Deleteyou are welcome! God bless!