
I am a counter-cultural person.
I am a believe in Jesus Christ and a baptized child of the one true God.  That makes me counter-cultural right there.
Besides that, I am a young wife, whose greatest desire is to be a full-time homemaker and at-home wife and mother.  I am still in college, despite the two previous things.  I was homeschooled and my husband and I plan on homeschooling our children.  And I believe in Godly womanhood: in women fulfilling our God-given roles as outlined in Scripture.

Here you will find posts on all those topics, grouped by category.  Know that these are all my personal opinions, although they are often supported by Scripture, and I don't claim to be an expert on anything.  I'm just writing about what I know and have experienced, doing my best to keep the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of it all.

On being a young wife

On being a homemaker, at-home wife and (future) mother

On being in college

On Godly womanhood

On homeschooling

On vocation

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