
This blog was begun as a way to encourage myself to be in God's Word daily, by reading and then writing about it.  Both disciplines come and go, although blogging isn't as necessary as it was to encourage me to read my Bible daily.  Now I'm blogging about everyday life, and about what God is doing in my life.

My husband and I were married on May 29, 2011.  He is my greatest blessing, my biggest encourager, and my best friend.  Six years into marriage and I'm more thankful for and in love with him every day.

I'm a full-time stay-at-home mommy to our two little boys, born in October 2015 and May 2017. They are both sweet, funny, loving, and BUSY! Motherhood is a precious vocation and the hardest job I've ever had. But I wouldn't trade it for the world: I am literally living my dream as a wife, mom and homemaker.

Most importantly, I am a saved and forgiven child of God.  Jesus Christ is my best friend, the reason I'm alive and the purpose for my life.  I desire to serve, please, delight and obey him in everything I do.  I fail at that all the time, but that is why God sent his Son, Jesus.  Jesus was born as a human baby, still also fully God, to live a perfect life, die on the cross for all the sins of the world, and rise again, victorious over sin, death, and Satan.  Despite the fact that I deserve eternal separation from God, he has instead forgiven me, made me his own, and given me the gift of faith and the promise of eternal life with him.

This is who I am.  If you want to know any more, please comment or contact me! :)

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful, our wedding anniversary is May 17. Although we have 2 years on you guys ;) Are you majoring in English? I would LOVE to take some writing courses but I am trying to figure out a cheap/cost effective way to do that. I really like your writing style by the way! :)


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