Thursday, July 19, 2012

family, friends, faith--so many blessings

I love Thankful Thursdays.
They're a rock in a sea of change.
They ground me.
They re-focus me.

OK, maybe that's a little dramatic, but I still love having a day every week that reminds me to focus on all the amazing blessings God has given me.  I mean, I know God is awesome, but really!!  He is so incredibly gracious all the time.  (For more on that, see yesterday's post.)

Today, I am thankful (as always!) for my amazing husband.  I can't put into words the blessing he is to me every day.  He is my reality check, my self-esteem-booster, my source of romance, my personal comedian, my best friend and my favorite person.  And just this morning he told me that the homemade cinnamon rolls I made for breakfast were the best he's ever had.  Bar none.  Including Cinnabon.  If he hadn't already endeared himself to me, that would have done it right there.

I am thankful that in TEN DAYS not only will my parents and sister be here, but so will my best friend and her family...and the two families will get to meet for the first time!!  I last saw my family in May and I last saw my friend...well, about two weeks after that, so it is high time for a visit.  And THEN the first week of August we're going to a family reunion with my parents, siblings, and, well, the whole family on my grandma's side.  (This happens about once every two years, so we are tight. :) )  And Joshua gets to meet most of them for the first time...which will be a little overwhelming, but I'm so excited!

I am thankful for good food.  Beef, cream-of-mushroom soup, and red wine in a slowcooker for six hours on high results in some of the most yumminess I've put in my mouth for a while.  And, as I mentioned, killer cinnamon rolls.  YUM.

I am thankful for friends with whom we can talk about our faith, and who challenge, inspire and encourage us.  We and another couple decided to start meeting on Saturday nights for dinner and a Bible study for the rest of the summer (and maybe into the school year) and I'm so thankful for them and our time together.  And we get to hang out again the day after tomorrow!

I am thankful that God continually speaks to and encourages me, and the many creative ways he chooses to do so...books, blogs, friends, family.  I have felt his presence more clearly the last week or so than I have before.  I want nothing more to be in intimate fellowship with my heavenly Father...may he grant me the grace to be open to that and to be in communication with him.

I'm also so very thankful for the new, wonderful people I am getting to know through blogging.  I wish I had more hours in a day to keep in better touch with everyone!  It's amazing to realize how many other people are so much like me...and how far the Body of Christ really reaches.  Heaven is going to be incredible (we'll have to have a big bloggers' get-together once we're all there! :D ).

Share in the comments, if you would like, all the ways God has blessed you in the last few days.  I love to hear how he is working!

Linking today with:
black tag diaries; The Fontenot Four; First Day of My Life; Kate Says Stuff; A Punk, a Pumpkin and a Peanut; Live Called


  1. Linking up from Thrive at Home Thursday.
    I love your thankful list. I find that when I am feeling a bit down, it is very helpful to count my blessings. There are so many.

    1. Oh, that is SO true. When we think of all that God has given us, how can we be discontent with what we don't have?
      Thanks for visiting! Hope to "see" you again soon. :)

  2. so much fun to see old friends and family ! So excited for you!
    Found you through a blog hop and I found your thankful post most delightful. Thanks for sharing!
    Patty from

    1. Thanks Patty! I've been over at your blog before and loved it. :) Thanks for hopping over!

  3. I have got to start doing Thankful Thursday posts! I keep having the best intentions to, but then totally forget! I love your list, and I have to say I love it when my husband compliments my cooking!

    1. Monica, like I said, they're such a good way of grounding me during the week! Thanks...yeah, I love it too. :) It's nice to know they like what we feed them, lol!

  4. Stopping by from Black Tag Diaries...
    I love T.T. posts! Today I am thankful for my children - their creativity and energy that keeps me going every day.

    Hope you stop in and link up!

    1. Thanks for visiting! And there are good reasons God says, over and over, that children are a blessing. :) :)

  5. Thanks for linking up at Thrive @ Home! I love thankful lists! Today I am thankful for modern medicine and cleanliness. Two of my three boys are sick. All I need to do is walk to my kitchen to wash hands and to administer a variety of medications!

    1. Those are gifts I definitely take for granted way too often. Hope your boys feel better soon, Audra! Stay healthy!!

  6. I found you via Cami at First Day of My Life and am now following.

    You have such a lovely blog and spirit. I look forward to reading future posts! :)

    1. Aw, thank you SO much, Anna!! I appreciate all of that! :)

  7. Great list. Heaven WILL be fun! I'm thankful my adult kids and I get many grown kids aren't interested in their parents. I'm thankful for chocolate and good wine. I toured a chocolate factory today AND went to a wine-tasting. Simple pleasures. :-)

    1. Oh wow. Chocolate and wine. That sounds SO good! :)

  8. I agree!! Thursdays ground me as well :) My favorite day of the week!

    I'm thankful I've gotten to know you more and more through blogging :) You have such a beautiful heart and spirit - so much to share with others!

    Happy that ten days will go by quick :)

    Thanks for linking up to Thankful Thursday @ First Day of My Life!!

    Happy weekend!! ox

    1. Cami, thank you. You are so sweet. :) Thanks for hosting the linkup! And yes...ten days will be nothing at all. I'm working a TON next week, plus I have plenty of housecleaning to do, so I'll be busy for sure! :)

  9. I am thankful for time spent with new friends, pizza and mommy time at Target this evening! :)

    1. All lovely things! We get to hang out with some dear friends tomorrow night. :)


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