Sunday, November 20, 2011

comforts of home

As I write there is oatmeal bread in the oven, just about done, and vegetable-beef soup on the stove (I didn't realize how long of a project that is, but oh it's going to be worth it!).  Joshua and I have been lounging in pajama pants and t-shirts since we got home from church.  It's been a wonderful, relaxing, couple-bonding day.  And I got to do some cleaning and cooking, so I'm pretty happy. :)

It's amazing how my emotions rise and fall, how days and weeks can have such a combination of bad and good. Whoever first compared life to a roller coaster sure had it right.

That's just how it is here on earth, I suppose.  The good parts more than make up for the bad.  God is gracious, even though we're living in a world of sin.  He lets us experience little glimpses of his glory, his goodness, and the perfection that he is preparing for us in heaven.  So many good gifts fill every single day, more than I can count, and far more than I ever thank God properly for.  And yet he keeps them coming.

This marriage-thing is wonderful: on the days when I'm sad or upset or frustrated, Joshua is there to help ease them.  On the days when I'm being a snotty little brat (because I sure can be!), he is there to put me in my place and help make me aware of my sinfulness.  And on the days when I'm happy, content, and joyful, he shares in those things and makes them all the more sweet.

Today I'm reveling in these comforts:
comfy clothes
comfort food
a warm home
a calm, relaxed mind
the gentle presence of my husband
the peaceful presence of the Holy Spirit.

It's a good day today.

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