Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blissful relaxation

Hubby and I are in a hotel tonight, on our way to Minnesota to be with family for Thanksgiving.

I'm almost giddy.  It's great to be alone, in a place where there are no dishes to do, no cooking to accomplish, no housework to get done, no homework hanging over my head (basically).  Where I can feel perfectly justified in literally laying around and doing nothing.

It's great. :)

I think times like this are absolutely essential: in marriage, in our relationships with God, in life in general.  Times with minimal distractions, times to rest, rejuvenate, to be still and know that He is God, and He is good.

Especially at this time of year, this is a good opportunity to reflect on all that He has given us, all the blessings we have, all that we have to be thankful for: which is everything.

I might not post much in the next few days, and then, maybe I will.  But this weekend, may God open your eyes to see all the gifts He's poured out on you, and may He fill your life with peace and joy.


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