Monday, January 23, 2012

His Mercies are New Every Morning

...and so are his graces!  And I have to remind myself that, although blogging regularly is necessary in a sense, it's not a requirement.  So I'm okay with the fact that I haven't posted in a few days. :)

It hits me, some more days than others, how much I mess up in life.  When I walk into the house and books, clothes, papers, et cetera are scattered all over the living room...dishes are piled up in the sink and on the counter...worse, when I snap and yell at my husband and let my words come before my thoughts can check them.  When I gossip.  When I'm lazy.

But then (as my husband is often quick to remind me), I realize just how much God loves me...because he loves me despite all those imperfections.  He gives me a fresh start EVERY DAY.  He sees past the sinfulness...he sees the redemption of Christ that covers me, the Holy Spirit who lives in me.  He sees me beautiful, pure, holy--his.  That doesn't ever change.

And despite all my sinfulness...God blesses me beyond what I can imagine.  He gives me SO much more than I need.  There are times when I think that I don't have all I need.  When the cupboards are getting low.  When money is tight.  The list goes on.
But then I realize...I have food.  I have clothes.  I have a warm home.
And most importantly, I have things that money can never buy:
a husband who loves me and takes care of me
friends I can count on and trust
family who are always there for me
God.  His love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, joy, comfort, salvation!

And every morning...those gifts are always there for me.  Again.

So on that note...
Time to catch up with the January Joy Dare!
Day 21: One thing in the sky, one thing from your memory, one thing that's ugly-beautiful.
-snowflakes falling a little when we were in Minnesota
-remembering the day two months ago when our car broke down, as we stopped at the exact same rest stop on the way to get it again.  Not the greatest memories...but it was a time of learning, growing, and strengthening our marriage.
-"new" car engine.  not a beautiful thing.  but it is...because it runs. :)

Day 22: one grace wrinkled, one grace smoothed, one grace unfolded
-clean sheets.  very wrinkled (from not being folded!), but very fresh-smelling. :)
-hubby smoothing my hair as he held me on the couch. <3
-the worship folder unfolding in my lap, holding lovely hymns, encouraging Scripture, the liturgy of Holy Communion

Day 23: 3 gifts found in Christ
(only three?)
-promise...of forgiveness, of resurrection, of eternal life
-comfort...from fear, from illness, from worry
-love...unconditional, unending, unchanging

{Quick update: after 14 hours in the car on Saturday, we have our car back!!!  Joshua's parents were incredibly gracious enough to drive us up to Minnesota to get it.  The engine has been replaced and although there are a few little things that need looking at, by the grace of God we got home without a hitch.  In fact, it was a blessing to spend so much time with Joshua's parents, and then so much time just the two of us--without the distractions of computer, TV, housework or homework!

So we are fully independent again, thank God, and enjoying being able to drive to school and work.
Especially since it finally snowed yesterday!  Today it was warmer than it's been in a while, so most of the snow has already melted, but it was lovely.  (It's been a weird winter.)


These Five of Mine


  1. Celebrating with you the independence a car brings...Praying you will be always dependent, always resting in the grace and providence of the One who gives new mercies each day. Love you!

  2. Totally intrigued by this January Joy Dare...I'm going to have to peek around and figure out what it's all about! Thank you so much for taking the time to link-up! {Very glad that you have your car back!!!}


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