Friday, January 6, 2012

The Habit of Joy

I'm trying some new things this year.

One of them is starting a gratitude journal: I'm going to write out my One Thousand Gifts this year.  And I started today, in a beautiful new journal from a friend.

Something else I'm doing in relation to that is the Joy Dare from Ann Voskamp, writer of One Thousand Gifts.  As an encouragement, a challenge, Ann has a list (the Joy Dare link above) of blessings to look for each day.  I'm going to challenge myself to do this and to blog every day about that day's blessings, as well as recording at least five blessings a day in my gratitude journal.  I'm also going to start reading Ann's book.

Today, January 6, Epiphany: "One thing in your bag, your fridge, your heart."

I haven't been using a purse or a backpack much in the last couple of weeks.  But starting Monday I'll be hoisting my red backpack again, full of books, notebooks, a sack lunch.  Those notebooks: places to record what I'm learning.  What I'm being taught.  What God is showing me.

My fridge: is full, thanks to a recent grocery shopping.  One thing in there that I especially love is those little clementine oranges, the "Cuties."  They're so sweet, so juicy, so fun to eat!  And I get them all to myself because Hubby doesn't like oranges. ;)

My heart: is convicted.  Is reassured.  Convicted that I need to trust.  Reassured that I don't have to do it alone.  Reassured that I will be taken care of, provided for, blessed--by the One who loves me more than I can imagine, and by my husband, who also relies on the Creator for all things.

I'm excited to develop these habits of thankfulness and joyfulness--and writing. :)


  1. May your joy-journey be blessed! Isn't Ann an inspiration!? See you soon!

  2. I found your blog through Ann's facebook page for the Joy Dare..I plan on doing the same as you and blogging my Joys!
    Swing on by ..

  3. Lisa: thank you, yes she is, and I can't wait!

    Nikki: I'm so glad!! I will most definitely stop by. :) Thanks for commenting!


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