Monday, January 2, 2012

New Goals for a New Year

Everybody's doing it.

Making New Year's resolutions, that is.  It's a new year, we all feel like we have a fresh start, to try again, to do the things we didn't accomplish last year, to become better at something.

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions.  I've found them very hard to keep.  But this year, I've been inspired by several different people.  Jon Acuff was the major one.  He advised making just a few goals for the year, not a lot, and making them very specific.  If I accomplish all my goals I can create more.  And the more specific they are, the easier it will be to measure that I'm actually doing them.

I want to focus on three major areas of my life: spiritual, relational, and financial.  (Physically, I've already gotten into the habit of regularly working out, and although over Christmas break that's been set aside, it'll get going again once school starts back up.)

Spiritual: I want to spend half an hour a day, at least five days a week, reading Scripture, writing down what I learn from that day's reading, and praying about what I've read.

I want to read at least two books that will encourage me in my walk with God.  (One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp is first on that list.)

Relational: I want to learn to love my husband better.  Specifically, this means seeking out one way to intentionally love him every day (by letting him have his way in something, making a food he likes, saying something encouraging, asking what I can do to help him, etc).

I will also read at least two books on marriage and relationships.  The first will be The Resolution for Women, by Priscilla Shirer (inspired by the movie "Courageous").

Financial: I want to write out, and follow, a set, specific budget for this year.  I want to keep track of our finances and tithe every paycheck.  I would like to attend Financial Peace University (there's a class at our college this spring).

Overall, I want to revamp my priorities so that it's always God, my husband, family and friends, and then me.

This isn't going to be easy.  Please pray for me, for willpower, steadfastness, and the desire to fulfill these things.  And guess what--I'll be praying for you, too. :)


  1. What wonderful goals!
    I am hoping to find time to sit down and write my own soon.

  2. i love your list jamie... i want to start reading one thousand gifts soon too!! i'll be praying that you keep your priorities in order and that you protect your time wisely:)


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