Tuesday, June 5, 2012

To all Christian wives and mothers: I'm rooting for you.

I wrote this as a comment on a dear lady's blog, and then realized: she isn't alone.  So there are, most certainly, other women out there who need to hear the same thing!  This is me, as a young wife and (Lord willing) future mother, giving those of you with years more experience than I all the encouragement I can muster in one pep-talk of a blog post.
So, without further ado...

To all Christian wives and mothers:

First of all: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE.
No, you’re not perfect, but for heaven’s sake, who is?!?

All those moms who seem to have it all together…THEY DON’T.  Not all the time.  They are not perfect.

Most of us bloggers put out our best, shining faces.  We post pictures of our {clean} homes.  We write about our {successful} recipes.  We talk about our {happy} days as wives and mothers.  What most of us don’t share is that 99% of the time, our house is not really all that clean.  We do not always make fantastic food that tastes and looks great.  We often have really sucky days when nothing seems to go right.

That’s NORMAL.  That’s to be EXPECTED.  We live in a SINFUL WORLD.  And—this isn’t the end of all things!  We have eternity, in heaven, with Jesus, to look forward to.

Plus—no matter how often you yell at your kids or refuse your husband or just plain lose it—Jesus has already taken away all that sin.  Kaput.  Done for.  Gone.  Outta here.

Don’t let it get you down, my dear.  I know, we all have THOSE days.  I hear ya.  Despite not having kids yet, I hear ya.
Way too true, eh?

Don’t forget: you’re a sinner, but you’re a saint, too.  You have the Holy Spirit in your heart.  You are doing for your kids the bravest, best thing in the world: you are a stay-at-home mommy.

I am so proud of you.  So thankful, that you’re doing this for your kids, because not only are you raising them to be a blessing to the world, you are raising them to be godly women and men and they will have an impact on the world for Christ one day.

That is worth every dirty diaper, every temper tantrum, every crappy day you’ll ever have.

I know it doesn’t seem like it right now.  But you’re in this with millions of other mothers.  You all can do it.  Because you're not doing it alone.  Yes, your husband should be (hopefully is!) your partner and teammate and biggest fan.  But, dear sister in Christ, you have GOD on your side.  He's in this with you.  He can, will, and does give you the strength to get through even the toughest days.  He will make it all worth it in the end.  He is cheering for you even more than I am.  He loves you more than you can imagine.

So, dear wife, dear mother... Hang in there.  You're my hero.

Linking up:


  1. aw what a sweet post! seems like this theme has been rolling around in a lot of people's brains...I think pinterest has a lot to do with people feeling sub-par...but thank you for this post...really Good. God bless

  2. thank YOU, Kelly! I'm glad it was encouraging. :) :)

  3. This is wonderful! Thanks for linking it up on my blog today!

  4. AMEN :) Great, uplifting post. Thanks for linking it to Thankful Thursday @ First Day of My Life :)

  5. I love the GRACE expressed here. Love it.

  6. Thank you for sharing... I found you via
    We Encourage Tuesday @ Call Me Blessed, and I am your newest follower! :) God Bless!

    ~ Jess @ The Colorful Ones

  7. Thanks so much, Jess!
    And all of you--thank you for the encouragement. Glad this was a blessing. :)

  8. Hi Jaimie!!

    Just letting you know that you were among the top 3 most viewed linkups from last week's linky party. I will feature you on Thursday.

    Feel free to grab a button (I know you have my old one)

    Take care...BTW I love the picture at the top of your blog....very pretty blog :-)

  9. Wow! Thanks, Angell!! Yeah, between this post and the one on submission ("A Wise Woman Submits to Her Husband") I had record numbers of pageviews on Thursday and Friday last week! :)

  10. So between summer camps and a newborn, I'm way behind in blogsphere. Glad my blog could inspire this post :)


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