Hubby wasn't feeling well and neither of us had gotten more than about 4 hours of sleep (you know when you're stressed/hot/worried/it's that time of the month? All at once?). So he emailed his boss and we both went back to bed.
For four hours.
It was bliss.
We've had an interesting week...a big stresser combined with some fantastic time with family and friends. The stress part was starting to get to us. We had a great day: watching TV shows (thank you Netflix; I am now nearly as addicted to old episodes of That 70's Show as my husband), watching a hilarious Dick van Dyke movie together, eating yummy food (homemade quesadillas made with homemade tortillas and homemade refried beans!), talking, laughing, and cuddling.
And we made plans to get figured out and worked out the things that are causing the stress. We make a great team.
Last night he looked over at me from at his desk, looked me right in the eye, and said "We're stronger because of this."
Stress causes both of us to act in ways we really don't like acting. But yesterday we really listened to each other, we made sure we understood each other, and we expressed a lot of love and respect to each other. It's amazing how difficulties bring us closer together...and closer to God.
We've been faithful about doing devotions and praying together every morning.
We pray together every night before we go to sleep.
And I know I've been reading my Bible and praying more lately than I had been.
I'm so thankful for yesterday. We had time to a sports team coming together during a time-out and planning their next move, catching a breath, getting a drink, and cheering each other on. We were refreshed...physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. We were able to relax...because we reminded each other and ourselves to rely on God, we figured out a solution to the problem, and we removed all our appointments and responsibilities for the day.
Sometimes a mid-week vacation is just the thing to get back on track.
thank you God

Love this Jaimie! We have often found that the most stressful times are the ones that bring us closest together. And I think a mark of a strong marriage is drawing TOGETHER during stress rather then being pulled apart. Praying for you!!
ReplyDeleteHi lady!! Thank you for linking up to First Day of My Life's Thankful Thursday <3
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely, beautiful post!! Thank you for sharing your heart with us - it makes me so happy. Yay for getting time to regroup - that is what is necessary a lot of the time> Praying for you!! oxox
God is good. My wonderful husband had to leave his job at the beginning of the year due to stress and my goodness it has been good for our relationship. Sometimes a pause is the only way forward. Popping over from Kate Says Stuff.
ReplyDeleteJami and Cami: thank you, dears. :) <3
ReplyDeleteLaureny: thanks for popping over! :D And you are so right--we can't move on unless we stop to take a breath. :)
Lovely post! It's beautiful to watch a young couple grow together in the Lord.