Saturday, April 7, 2012

I'm Back!!

I just realized yesterday that it has been over a MONTH since I posted last.  That is a long time!  I have definitely missed blogging, and I think it is high time I quit playing Bejeweled Blitz on facebook so much and started writing more often.  However, this month has been a great chance to think about why I blog, and to get myself out of the rut of writing just for those higher numbers of page views.  It was also a month that I kept quiet about my personal and family life, and that was a good thing.  I didn't really intend to, but I see that I "gave up" blogging for Lent...and I'm okay with that.

That said, I have so much to share with you all about where I've been the last few weeks--spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.  That outlines the posts I'll be writing in the next few days.

Spiritually:  What has God been teaching me?  How am I doing in my prayer/devotional life?  What ways can I encourage you?

Emotionally:  I'll focus on my marriage, and the ways we have grown as a couple, and I have as a wife, in the last month.  I'll also share some things I've learned about marriage that will, Lord willing, be helpful and challenging for you.

Mentally: What kind of other things have I been learning?  What's been on my mind?

Physically: What have I been doing for and with my body?  I'm going to use this post to focus especially on what I'm doing to enhance our physical lives, meaning, cooking and homemaking.

School will be out for us in just a few weeks--the first week of May.  I have several job applications to fill out and return, and I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for both of us this summer.  Joshua already has a full-time job lined up working on campus with the Buildings and Grounds department--same thing he did last year.  I hope to work about half-time and spend the rest of the time focusing on honing my homemaking and wifely skills. :)  This morning I wrote out a list of my cleaning, organizing and home improvement goals for the spring and summer.  I'll share that with you, too.

For now, it's great to be back in the blogging world, and I'm looking forward to encouraging one another once again, as we seek to live in the light of Christ!


  1. oh, I understand the fun of playing bejeweled. :)

  2. oooh exciting!! I look forward to hearing about how the Lord has been growing you =)
    YES! I had to remove all the games on fb and not play any of them as they were just too time-consuming! =)
    Much Love,


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