Thursday, March 1, 2012

Worries...or Blessings?

Life lately has given me plenty of reasons to worry and be anxious and fretful:
I'm behind on homework since being sick last week.
My house is a mess, and I'm frustrated with myself for not taking the time to clean it.
I visited the eye doctor today so we're going to have extra bills to pay.
We're visiting my parents for spring break and I'm nervous about how the car will behave.
I have a big test and quite a few projects coming up quickly in school to prepare and study for.

I feel like I can just never get everything done, and that drives me crazy.

Talking to my mom today, she reminded me how important it is to not worry.  That's one thing I struggle with all the time, and it's something I'm constantly learning and trying to not do.

Worry is of the devil.  It's something he uses to take our focus off God and put it on ourselves.  As if we can take care of ourselves by ourselves!  How silly to think I can take care of my whole life by myself.

Paul wrote to the Philippians in chapter four of that book,

"Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Those things I was worrying about?
I got to stay home with my husband for two days because I was sick.  I've had time to relax and get well.  The homework isn't due tomorrow: I have at least till next week to get it done.
My home is wonderful.  It might not be the cleanest, but I saw it through a friend's eyes the other day, who said if she could live in any apartment, it would be this one.
My eyes are healthy.  I have contacts so I can see.  God will provide the means to pay for it, as he always does.
We're visiting my parents for spring break.  I am so excited I can hardly stand it!  Our car is doing FINE, and I know we'll be surrounded by angels the whole way.
I happen to go to an incredible school, with amazing teachers, and I'm learning so many things.  It's such a privilege.

Things will get done.  They always do!

Once always...when I look at life with an eternal perspective--the way God looks at my life--things seem a lot brighter.  Nothing has changed except my attitude and perspective.  I'm so very blessed, and even the troubles that bother me aren't too big for God to handle.

In everything, present your requests to God.
In everything, give thanks.
In everything, let God be in control.

Thankful Thursdays ButtonThe Fontenot Four


  1. I was praying about this on the way back to York today. "Lord, I'm worried about...please help me with..." The answer was so simple:

    Stop worrying. Trust me.

    You encourage me to remember this freedom, Jaimie. Thank you.

  2. Oh, my precious girl. What joy and thanksgiving you brought to my heart today as you turned each of your worries into thanksgivings ... putting our Lord's Word into practice. I pray this has brought peace and joy to your heart. I can't wait to have you and Joshua HERE! (I've already got "menus" bubbling about in my brain. hee hee)
    God bless and keep you, dearest Jaimie Elise. I love you.

  3. beautifully written jamie... as always. love your perspective this week... so, so true how many things i initially see as "worries" are really blessings. i always think about the verse in matthew... i think it's 6:33 maybe? "therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own..." thanks for linking up!

  4. Wow! You did a great job of turning those worries around! :) Just so you know, you're not alone...I too worry like you do! We are only human.

  5. Good reminder for me, the queen of worry :) glad you're feeling better. Enjoy spring break--it's a perk I was happy to keep going after college and into my teaching career.

  6. Thank you for linking up to my Beautiful Thursdays weekly linky party!

    I'm a new follower :-)

  7. I featured you today! Here's the link to collect your feature button


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