Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I'm so tired tonight.  It's almost time for Thanksgiving break, and the semester only has about two weeks after that.  It's been a long, busy semester.  But we've been so blessed this semester.

Today I'm particularly thankful for:

-the fact that one week from RIGHT NOW we will be with my parents, siblings, grandma, aunt, uncle and cousins!!!  I can hardly wait.  I haven't seen my folks since July and the extended family since the wedding in May.  It's going to be amazing.

-only one day left of school till a week off.  My goals are to get the house completely clean (in preparation for Christmas decorating!!) and (finally) finish thank-you notes.  (I know, I know, I'm a horrible person...)

-beautiful fall weather.  It's been gorgeous.  I admit, however, I'm ready for snow now...

-new windows installed in the living room and kitchen today!!!  FINALLY!  They're beautiful, and I'm hoping they will have a positive effect on our utilities bill.  Just a few more improvements and they'll be all done.

-continued healing for Joshua's dad.  (thank you so much for your prayers!)  We'll be visiting him tomorrow and I'll post an update later.

-my amazing husband.  I know, I'm always thankful for him and I write about him all the time, but he is so encouraging, so sweet, so loving, so wise, and such a comfort to me.  I don't know where I'd be without my best friend.

-our wonderful friends and fantastic family--such amazing people are in our lives!

Thankful Thursdays Button

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