Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Linking up with black tag diaries today!

Today I am thankful for:

~Chai tea and homemade toast for breakfast

~Encouragement and critiquing among friends and classmates

~The incredibly inspiring poetry of high-school girls

~A four-year-old who never fails to bring joy to my heart

~An amazing lunch hour at home with my husband :)

~A squirrel dashing through our modern poetry class (which was meeting outside)

~The gorgeous weather!

~A kind and generous school newspaper editor

~Encouragement and laughter from friends and coworkers on a busy night

~An hour in the library, visiting with a friend while we got paid to sit at the circulation desk

~The knowledge that tomorrow is Friday

~God's constant grace, providence, love, mercy, forgiveness...

1 comment:

  1. great list this week... i am loving this weather too! loving being able to open my windows and have the smell of fall rush in... need to go buy a fall-smelling candle now... hmmm... will do that tomorrow i think. happy weekend!


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