Friday, August 12, 2011

The Encouraging Body of Christ

I am in awe of how wonderfully God works through his people to build them up.  As Christians, we're all in this journey of faith together.  It's different for all of us, as unique individuals, but we have a lot of common struggles and experiences.  As such, we're able to encourage each other in our faith.

I've had people tell me that I've been encouraging to them in their lives and faith.  I'm so thankful for that, humbled that God would use me to bless his children, and honored that he works through me.  But I have had so many other people be a blessing and encouragement to me in my faith as well--even sometimes those same people who said they were encouraged by me.

I think we all experience highs and lows in our faith walk, days where trusting God comes easy, and times when trials cause us to worry and fret and doubt.  God, in his infinite grace and mercy, knows that we worry and doubt, and he gives us people who can be his hands and voice to reassure us and speak his words of comfort and forgiveness to us.

This post in particular spoke to me today.  Thank you, Kayla.

This post was a huge encouragement to me the other day.  Thank you, Nikki.

What an incredible gift God has given us, in our brothers and sisters in Christ, to build up and encourage one another.


  1. so, so true... am so grateful for the body and how He uses it to encourage and challenge us daily. great post jamie.


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