I prefer done lists over to-do lists. I like lists in general, but it's nice to see how much I accomplished in a day. This is what I did yesterday:
1) Cleaned out and organized my dresser and closet. Results: I can now fit all my clothes in said dresser and closet; I have a full paper grocery bag of clothes to give to a second-hand store; I have another bag two-thirds full of clothes to give to a friend; I realized once again that I have a lot of clothes. Including a full drawer of tank tops.
2) Organized Joshua's dresser. He has a lot of t-shirts.
3) Packed our suitcase--we're leaving for Wisconsin today with my grandparents for my brother's graduation (!!!!!).
4) Put away the entire (huge) pile of shoes by the front door. Now there are just two pairs there, the ones we wear most.
5) Picked up, decluttered, dusted, and vacuumed almost the entire living room (there's just a big basket on the table by the door that needs cleaning out).
6) Made and brought lunch to Joshua. Leftovers from the chicken fajitas of supper Tuesday night. We also had our devotions and played two rounds of Farkle over our lunch hour. So much fun. :)
7) Cleaned out the fridge of developing science experiments. I now have a lot more clean leftover containers. We also made "leftover soup" for supper--it was actually SO good!
8) Wrote a blog post in the morning.
9) Talked to my friend Sara on the phone.
10) Got ALL the dishes done (!!).
11) Mopped the kitchen floor (finally, whew).
12) Found out that I have my first "niece," the firstborn daughter of my dear "sister"-friend in Indonesia. She told my grandparents this is their first great-grandbaby. Gracia Brigitta is her name, and she's absolutely beautiful!! Hopefully I can meet her in person someday soon. :)
Wow. Apparently I did have a productive day!! Now I'm mostly just wandering around the house, marveling at how clean and organized it is. :) The only cleaning I have left to do is either inside things (cupboards, fridge) or above eye level (shelves, top of fridge, top of cupboards). That will get done next week and then my house will be spotless!!
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