I won't be posting much till Tuesday; we're at my parents' house in Wisconsin for my brother's high school graduation.
There are three generations in the house right now: my grandparents on both sides, my parents, and my husband and my siblings and me.
These times, with all of us together, are fewer than they were and will be even less now that my brother's going to college too. Sometimes I get really down about it; life was the same for so long, and now it's changing so much in such a short amount of time. That's what happens when you grow up, I know, but I don't always like it.
But then I think about all the good times--all the wonderful, precious memories I've made with my family over the years. We're really close, and family vacations were always lots of fun. And then there were long talks at the dinner table...family devotions every night...playing with my siblings...doing school together...talks with my brother in the kitchen when we were supposed to be doing dishes...whispering at night with my sister, since we almost always shared a room.
And I know that now there are new memories to be made. Just now, my sister was doing my nails and we talked about all sorts of things. I know the older she gets the more we'll have in common (we're seven years apart), and the more our friendship will grow in other ways.
We'll all be together again for a family reunion this August, and I can hardly wait for that.
But right now, it's just a couple days we have together, and I want to make the most of every minute of it.
Family is the greatest blessing, I think.
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