Friday, January 20, 2012

The Vivid Grace of God

The realization, once again, of how much my husband loves me.  He demonstrates it in so many ways.  He says it without words.  He tells me verbally.  He gives me loving looks.  His love is a huge thing in my life.
The way God works.  It's not always this clear.  But there are times, like this week, when it nearly knocks me over how bold and grace-full and loving He is.  Putting people where they need to be, when they need to be there, with the people with whom they need to be.
My happiness singing in choir this week.  I missed it SO MUCH last semester.  It's such a joyful thing, lifting my voice in song, praising God, reminded of his goodness and forgiveness in the words I sing.
The kindness of God demonstrated in the kindness of others: my in-laws for taking us to Minnesota to get the car tomorrow, co-workers at the library covering for me, my boss in understanding when I got my schedule screwed up.
The way God blesses us beyond my wildest dreams.  And even when it seems like we need more...we always have enough.
My peace despite circumstances that often cause worry.
The love of God shown me in hugs from a friend, a note from my mom, and so many ways from my husband.

Linking up today with Your Thriving Family, finding joy, and The Gypsy Mama.  These are my friday favorite things, written on for five minutes based on the word "vivid"!

yourthrivingfamily.blogspot.comfriday favorite things | finding joy


  1. Oh how I love your post! I just love your take on this. What a wonderful list. It made me happy just reading it. Thank you for linking up with 5MF. Smiles -

  2. BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for linking up!


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