Monday, December 5, 2011


The weekend went by too fast.  This is the last full week of classes.  I have six papers and a test till to accomplish in the next week.  I am perpetually short on sleep.  So that's all I could think of for a title: "Whew!"

Ruth and I went to the annual "Christmas at Concordia" concert on Saturday.  This was the first year in three that I wasn't in a musical ensemble, and it was weird but nice at the same time.  The concerts get better every year.  It was amazing: such incredible music, such a wonderful way to praise our Savior and celebrate his birth!

Also on Saturday it SNOWED.  Finally!  (Two years ago our first snow was October 10, way too early!)  With the snow came much colder temperatures.  It's officially winter in Nebraska.

I baked bread on Sunday...we witnessed a wonderful baptism in church Sunday morning...spent time with friends Friday night...congratulated ourselves on getting our ten-page papers done for history class...worked Sunday night.  And now it's Monday.  Only Monday?  Today has felt at least three days long!

I'm ready for the semester to be over.  I'm very ready for a break, and looking forward to new classes in the new year.  I also want to get my house clean and keep it that way for more than 24 hours straight!

The end is in sight, folks.  Blessings on your week--of school, work, and whatever else comes your way.  God be with you!

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