Saturday, October 22, 2011

Things I'm liking right now.

Several blogs I follow post a list of links on the weekend, which gives me a lot of things to read and peruse and discover.  I've also been busy this weekend and I have things to share!!

First, Hubby and I went to see Celtic Thunder last night.  If you haven't heard of them, it's like Celtic Women except they're men, and if you haven't heard of Celtic Women then you need to look up both groups on YouTube!!  Joshua introduced me to Celtic Thunder when we were dating and I've loved them ever since.  Yesterday was the first concert of theirs that we've ever been to.  We ended up sitting next to a family with two teenage girls who had been to at least two Celtic Thunder concerts each!  The concert itself was amazing, everything we were hoping and more, especially since one of our favorite singers sang one of Joshua's favorite songs. (That's the best version of it that I could find, but gosh it's still amazing!)  So anyway, it was an incredible night.

Today we went to see Courageous, the newest movie by Sherwood Pictures, makers of Fireproof, Facing the Giants and Flywheel.  If you haven't seen this yet, please find the nearest theater that's showing it and go before it's gone!!  The movie is such a witness to the life-changing power of the love of Jesus, and such an encouragement to men to be Godly fathers and husbands.  Joshua and I went with his parents and brothers, and my mother-in-law and I were both crying.  We all laughed a lot!  And the movie made me more thankful than ever for the amazing dad, father-in-law and grandfather I have, who have all been such amazing examples of what it means to be a Christian, and who have all shown such love to their families.

One more thing, just for fun.  I found a different Myers-Briggs personality test, much better than the one on Facebook, I think--easier and simpler.  And it gave me the same results with links to other information.  I think it's interesting to know what people's personality types are.  Joshua's and mine are nicely compatible. :)  (So if you take the test, let me know what your results were and if you think they're accurate for you. :) )

So there you have it: my weekend, with four bonus links! :)

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