Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today is my busiest day of the week: class, chapel, babysitting, lunch, class, class, homework, work, work, homework.  Bed.  Right now I'm in the last homework stage.  And yes, I'm doing a blog post instead of homework at the moment.  Priorities, you know. :)

Anyway, there is much to be thankful for on this busiest of days!!

~Beautiful fall weather
~A furnace that heats our home, blankets and a hand-crocheted afghan on the bed, and a husband to snuggle against
~Writing like mad in class this morning
~Funny and awkward and sweet poetry
~Running after two little girls
~Seeing people I know and like and talking with them
~Warm, cozy, fuzzy sweaters
~Coworkers I like, who make me smile
~Chicken salad crossaints with swiss cheese (!!!)
~Relaxing hour of work at the library
~Homework with my hubby
~The promise of going to see CELTIC THUNDER tomorrow!!!!!!!

linking up to the lovely Julia at black tag diaries. :)
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  1. fabulous list this week... as always. your chicken salad crossaints sound yummy. ps... thank you so much for your kind comment on yesterday's blog. i really meant so much jamie... thank you.

  2. Jaimie,
    So, time for furnace and blankets in NE too? Dad cleaned our furnace and started it up a few days ago. Lows in the 30s, highs in the 50s this week...and today...beautiful fall sunshine.
    Dad and I are so thankful for the opportunities you and Joshua have to learn and serve and grow. We pray you'll continue to learn how to be good stewards of the time, talents, and treasures God gives; that you'll find joy in serving one another and those He puts in your lives; and that you'll grow in wisdom and grace as you spend time in the Word and in prayer. Most of all, we pray that you will trust in our Lord's plan and never-failing love for you.
    Have a great time at the concert tonight!
    We love you so very much.


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