Sunday, July 3, 2011

Birthday Ponderings

It's rather late, and we're finishing watching The Sound of Music, one of my favorite movies of all time and one of my birthday presents (thanks to my in-laws!).  Oh, but it's been a wonderful day.  I'm finally no longer a teenager!!  That's probably the best thing about turning 20.  No, I'm not allowed to drink legally yet, but at least I'm finally out of my teens.  Two decades of life.  That sounds like a looooong time!

My husband had a bouquet of flowers (how he hid them since last night I don't know) and strawberries and melted chocolate on the nightstand first thing this morning.  AND he made breakfast.  It was blissful.

We went to church with the family, at Peace where my father-in-law is the pastor.  During coffee fellowship everyone (all forty of them or so) sang "Happy Birthday" to me.  I love this church; it's like a big, extended family.  :)

All of us, in-laws, Hubby and me, were at my grandparents' for dinner.  Chicken fajitas have been my favorite birthday meal since I was little; I request them almost every year.  I made guacamole and fruit salsa last night (note to self: ALWAYS wear protective hand covering when slicing jalapenos; I paid for it with four hours of burning fingers).  Grandpa grilled the chicken and in a grill basket the onions and peppers (yum!).  Plus we had fruit, and Grandma made french silk pie, my request.  It was AMAZING.  And, although I do like cooking, it was nice to get a break again!!

It's been a lovely evening...our friend Jordan stopped by for a visit and to bring me a birthday card; it's always fun to have him around.  My mom and family sent most of the fixings to make Caesar salad, plus a Ghiradelli (sp?) brownie mix, my favorite lotion, and a cute cupcake-print apron and kitchen towel!  Most people wouldn't get excited about a tin of anchovies, olive oil, and croutons, but oh man I can't wait to make my favorite salad.  My mouth is watering at the very thought.

To top it all off, we happen to live in America's Fourth of July City which means tomorrow is going to be FANTASTIC.  And I can see the neighbors' fireworks out the living room window (third night in a row, I think).  I've always loved having my birthday when it is!  The whole country is festive.  :)

This last year has brought so many things and people into my life that I am so thankful for.  I've made amazing new friends: Sara, Ruth, Joe, Lisa.  I and my husband have been showered with God's love and blessings through our family and friends.  I've been given the greatest blessing of this life (other than God's love and forgiveness and salvation) in my beloved husband, who is so good and loving to me.

I have experienced God's love and forgiveness in ways I never had before, partly as a result of great guilt, but God has just blessed me so much and brought me closer to him in so many ways.

I could write so much more, but I will save it for another time.  The movie is over; it's time to go to bed as a twenty-year-old.  :)

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