Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blogs I Love!

I keep discovering new blogs that I'm just enchanted by.  The latest is Joanna Goddard's "A Cup of Jo."  She is kind of what I want to be someday: a wife (check), mommy and writer.  Although she's written and been an editor for Cosmopolitan magazine, and that's not exactly what I had in mind.  :)  But her blog is delightful, and I found some fantastic hair tutorials  from a link that Lisa posted on facebook.  (I'll post a picture later.)

Another blog that I just discovered, thanks to Teagan, is Julia Black's black tag diaries.  Julia's husband is in seminary, she's a fellow sister in Christ, and her blog is all about photography, homemaking, marriage, and cooking (besides lots of other things)--so we have a fair bit in common.

Also, the former editor for our school newspaper (my first editor!) has a blog that is funny, delightful, poignant, and thought-provoking.

That's four of the couple dozen blogs I follow (way too many).  But I thought I'd share some favorites.  I have more to write about today...maybe later when the brunch dishes are done! :D

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE knowing what others are reading - glad you found Julia's blog!! She rocks. :)


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