Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lessons Learning: Life lessons from the mission field and beyond

I am so honored and excited to be writing on Tim Fall's blog today!  He'll be visiting here tomorrow, and we have semi-coordinating posts.  I'm writing about what I've learned in my experiences in mission work, and he's written... well, you'll have to come back tomorrow to find out!

Despite being young, I've learned a lot of important lessons in my life so far.  God has used some amazing circumstances to bring me closer to him and teach me some things I really needed to learn.  Some of the biggest lessons he's taught me are remembering that He has my life in his hands, how to love others the way I've been loved by Him, and trusting him in ALL things, even when trusting is scary.
When I was thirteen I read several books about missionaries which sparked my interest in mission work.  The summer I turned fourteen, my family was visiting my grandparents.  At church during that visit, my mom ran into some friends who were, at the time, missionaries in Hong Kong and China.  She asked if they knew anyone with whom I could be pen pals, and they suggested that instead of doing that to learn about the life of missionaries, I just come visit them.
For the rest of this post, head over to Tim's blog


  1. As always a wonderful post to read.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne! Did you read the whole thing over at Tim's blog? :)

  2. Thanks for giving me such a great guest post to run at my place, Jaimie. You are already getting responses there!


    1. Tim, thank YOU so much. It's an honor to be at your blog today! :)

  3. I know being missionaries is a hard thing to do I know because I have a friend who are one of you and I admire his courageous act.

    Thanks and God Bless!

    link for FCF FamilyCare

    1. Thank you! Head over to Tim's blog to read the whole post! :)


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