Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Update on the "No-'Poo" experiment, and Giveaway Winners!!

I have a confession to make to you all.

I'm impatient.

After a week and a half of the baking soda/apple cider vinegar hair-washing, I'm ready to quit it for now.
I know what all the proponents of it will say--you have to keep at it for at least a month to give your hair time to adjust.
Well, you know what?  I don't like what my hair is doing as it "adjusts"! :(  It looks greasy so quickly, and even right after it's washed and dried it's clumpier than it used to be, and not nearly as soft and smooth or easy to manage.
That, right there, is enough reason for me to go back to my regular shampoo and conditioner--the minimal amount that I use anyway.  I feel prettier.

Granted, I could try adjusting the ratios of baking soda/ACV.  I might do that at some point.  A little more baking soda might do the trick.  But like I said, I'm impatient.  I don't feel like adjusting the ratios and giving it another couple weeks.

Besides, I buy those bargain-sized bottles of Suave shampoo/conditioner (one of the cheapest brands), and they last me nearly six months, people.  It's really not much cheaper to use the baking soda/ACV, once I mix up another batch every two weeks or more, because I use so much more of it than regular shampoo.

So I'm calling it quits.  For now.  Maybe this summer (when I won't be seeing so many people) I'll give it a shot again.  I'll let you know.  But right now, I have something much more exciting to talk about....

The winners of the Rekindling Romance eKits!!

Thank you all, so much, for participating in my first-ever giveaway.  I hope to have more in the future--especially once I hit 100 followers (hint, hint :) ).

A reminder:  Even if you didn't win one of the eKits, they're available for purchase on A Biblical Marriage for just $4.99, and you still have plenty of time before Valentine's Day to prepare the printables for you and your spouse to use!
Rekindling Romance ~ 7 Ideas to Help Reignite the Spark

So, without further ado (drumroll please), thanks to random.org, these are the three winners:

Entry #92, Alyssa Zech
#51, Kellie Green
#108, Elisa Pulliam

Congratulations, ladies!!

You'll be contacted by email within 48 hours with details about your free eKit.

Thanks again to all of you for participating!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to those who won! As for the hair thing, I really do want to try it some time. For now, I use Yes to Cucumbers, which is shampoo and conditioner made with organic and natural materials and formulated especially for color-treated hair. That, coupled with the fact that my hair stylist uses organic supplies and hair color, has made my hair look and feel superb! Not to mention the coconut oil, of course. :) I completely understand the impatience, by the way.


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