Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Best of February at Living in the Light

This month, dear readers, has been quite an exciting one for this little blog.  I've gained the most followers that I have in any month, pageviews have skyrocketed, and my most-viewed post has over 200 pageviews.  That might not seem like a lot, but for me it's a big deal!!

I apologize for not posting much the last few days.  Between recovering from illness and being very busy I haven't been able to find time.  That changes today. :)

So, without further ado, the most popular posts of February 2012:

Marrying Young
Not only was this the most-viewed post of this month, it's my most popular post of all time, and the most-commented!

New Things I've Learned About Loving My Husband

My Sickness...His Suffering

Our Love Story {Part One}

Our Love Story {Part Two}
part three coming very soon!

Loving My Husband: Things I Don't Do

It's Not About Me

Take this chance to catch up if there are any posts you missed!
Coming soon: Our Love Story {Part Three} and a guest post from my husband!!

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