Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Little Weekend Getaway

Once again, I'm wishing my camera and my computer were still friends.  I haven't taken any pictures in a while because I can't upload them.  But my memories from this weekend will just have to stay in my mind!

Joshua picked me up after work yesterday and surprised me by having a bag all packed with our things, some snacks and drinks, and even a nice shirt for me to change into for our evening together.  He had even already checked into our room.

The Liberty House is part bed and breakfast, part antique store in a hundred-and-twenty year old house that's quaint and old-fashioned.  Our room was one of three guestrooms.  It was very spacious, with a big queen-sized bed (the headboard was huge!), a comfy yellow wing chair, antique vanity and desk, and two twin beds--one in the room and one in a big walk-in closet--in order to accommodate families.  (One of my friends actually stayed here with her family this past summer.)

We also had a TV with cable and a DVD player, and there's wireless internet, but we didn't bother with that.  However, we don't get cable at home (not worth it for the cost!) so we watched the weather channel for a bit to keep an eye on the beginning snowstorm.  (We got several inches of snow these past 24 hours--the most we've had ALL WINTER!)

The bed was extremely comfy so we relaxed for a while and then headed out to dinner.  I had a barbecue chicken sandwich with a sweet pepper/pineapple salsa, and Joshua had a really awesome cheeseburger (man of simple tastes :) ).  We shared a huge piece of (according to the menu) "better-than-anything" chocolate cake. ;)

After supper we headed back to our room and watched a movie, "City Slickers," because Joshua hadn't seen it.  Just for fun.  Because we could.

Later we went over to campus to watch an improvisational theater performance.  Our school has a pretty talented improv group, and it was really fun.

We slept quite well, and had a fantastic breakfast this morning--coffee (with hazelnut creamer, our favorite!), orange juice, french toast, peaches, and sausage.  It was delicious.  Our hostess was very sweet and gracious.  (If you're ever in our area, I'd highly recommend this as a place to stay!)

The best thing about this weekend was just how incredibly thoughtful my husband was.  He took care of literally everything.  He surprised me this morning with a sweet card and a cuddly little teddy bear, as a "just-because" gift.  AND he did a ton around the house while I was at work this afternoon.

I can't recommend enough doing things like this if you're married.  It was so refreshing to be away, just us, even if it was only five blocks from home and only for a night.  Getting to a different place helped redirect my focus on my husband, forgetting about all the housework and homework I had to do.  And it was a chance to just have fun together, to be pampered a little, to invest in our marriage.

A marriage refresher doesn't have to be costly or long in duration.  It can be as simple as going for a walk together--getting out of the house, leaving the worries and responsibilities of the moment behind for a little bit, talking together without any distractions.

It can involve just staying at home but unplugging the TV, computers, and turning off phones and locking the door--no outside distractions, just YOU.

It can be getting in the car and driving, anywhere, just for the sake of being together (again, without any major distractions!).  (Side note: Sometime I want to take a road trip without any specific destination in mind: just get in the car and go and stop whenever we feel like it.  That sounds like my ideal vacation!)

The point of doing something a little out-of-the-ordinary with your spouse is:
To get your priorities back in order (God, your spouse, THEN you, then other things)
To get away from distractions (children, chores, media, work, bills, etc)
To really focus on each other and refresh your marital intimacy

And that was why we took our little weekend getaway. :)


  1. Hello, Thanks for your comment on my blog! :)
    Now, of course, I'm not married. :) But my parents have been married for almost fifteen years this February 14th, and their relationship is probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen. My dad and mom become more in love everyday. AS I observe them more, I notice Dad always puts Mom first and Mom always puts Dad first. Dad makes sure he doesn't forget special events and he almost always has a weekly date- very rare if it doesn't happen. Whether it may be going to a place to get a "burger" and shopping, or somedays he'll buy her a steak, he makes sure she gets a date with him. My Mom is extremely supportive, whatever Dad says she supports. Even though sometimes she doesn't agree. She serves him fully and doesn't nag him at all.
    To tell the truth, my Dad missed a lot of work for about a year and we lost our home. We are renting right now. Family members wondered why my mom did not divorce. Mom told me, with tears in her eyes, that she grew up in a broken home with drunk as a father and a mom who worked fifteen hours a day. She was not going to have the excuse, "It didn't work out." She stayed in the situation. She is an amazing woman. My Dad is fully lucky. My Dad fully supports her too, backs everything she says.
    I finished my novel comment. :)

  2. Thank you, Ashlyn! What a wonderful story and testimony your parents have. My husband's family have had struggles, too, but my in-laws have stuck together through it all: "for better or for worse." I'm so thankful for them and my parents-- isn't it a blessing to have parents who love and honor God and each other? :) (By the way: I like novel comments. :) )

  3. Thank you! Yes, I love reading long comments that others leave as well! :)


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