Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Taste and See...

that the LORD is good!!
The Joy Dare for today seems to be talking about taste.  It is in a way...but life is "tasted," or experienced, in so many ways that aren't with the tongue.  "Experience life and see that the LORD is good!"  I think Ann Voskamp would like that.

Today's Joy Dare: "A gift that's sour, a gift that's sweet, a gift that's Just. Right."

Sour: trying to figure out Wordpress.com for a new blog!  No, no, I'm not abandoning this one.  Not with all the work I've put into it.  The new site is for a class...I will post a link to it once there's actual content on there. :)  But it's confusing...I'm so settled into Blogger.  (If any of you use Wordpress and could help me, I'd be most grateful!)

Sweet: oh, so many things today.  Fudge from Christmas that's still delicious.  Chocolate chip cookies that my hubby made the other day.  Clementines with supper.  My husband, for doing dishes and making supper on my busiest night of the week.  Sleeping in and snuggling with him this morning.

Just. Right.  Oh, that tomato-cheese sandwich hit the spot tonight.  Such a yummy supper.  And the words that came from my pen in class this evening.  They were just right.  Just what I needed to write.  Just what I needed to hear.  Have you ever experienced God speaking to you through your "own" words?  That's what happened to me today.  Maybe someday I'll post that poem.

"Just Write": what my lovely professor told us today.  Three pages a day.  Six days a week.  All semester.  I have a brand-new journal: let's do this.


  1. You overcame your wordpress struggle! The site looks perfect, Jaimie.

    And thank you for your kind words. Your enthusiasm is a gift to me.

  2. Oh, really?!? Thank you!! I was so engrossed in putting it together that I dreamed about it last night!

    And of course. :) The enthusiasm isn't always there, but I try.


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