Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Intentional about Thankfulness

One thing Ann's Joy Dare is definitely teaching me is to be on the lookout for God's graces in everything, every day.  We take so much for granted--but when I stop to really think about it, every. single. thing. in my life is a blessing from him.  I would have NOTHING without the grace of God!  That's a rather sobering thought.  I would be so lost and destitute without God.  But it's also a joyful thought: I have God, or rather he has me--and he HAS given me all these good things!  He really does love me so much that he's blessed me with everything I need and so much I don't need.  He has given me the greatest blessing imaginable: forgiveness through his Son, and the promise of eternal life through the same.

Today Ann asks us to look for "3 yellow things that strike you as fresh mercy."

~the yellow cheese, melted and warm, between toasted slices of bread that I ate for supper.
~a hand-knitted shawl, so soft and cozy, that I love snuggling under while I read or watch a movie.  It's a gift from a kind and thoughtful lady.
~the yellow billiard balls on the table where Joshua and I played a couple of games this afternoon.  He's so encouraging--maybe that's why I won both games! :D

What blessings were in your life today that you might sometimes take for granted?

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