Tuesday, October 11, 2011

overwhelmed by grace

No details are really necessary, but let's just say...
an unexpected struggle came right before an unexpected blessing
and the two balance each other out.

God provides.
He always provides.
Before we need it.
Right when we need it.
And in His perfect timing.

Resting in this blessed knowledge today.


  1. Jaimie, Thank you so much for posting these words of encouragement. I needed to be reminded about God's provision this afternoon. Angie

  2. I've seen this happen many times...yet we often forget, again and again....

  3. Dearest Jaimie ... Your post brought to mind several times when God provided just what we needed, just when we needed. One of my favorites was when He provided the means for you to go to Hong Kong before we even knew you were going! God IS good...ALL the time. Praising Him with you today!


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