Tuesday, September 27, 2011

untitled poem

O my chid, you fret and worry
over things which you cannot control.
Have you ever looked at the birds?
Birds which have a nest and food?
How much more valuable are you than they!
O my child, do not worry about your life.

O my child, why do you dwell on the future?
You can't see what will happen.
But I can, beloved one.
I have plans for you: good plans,
plans that will not hurt you,
but plans that will give you hope.
O my child, place your future in my hands.

O my child, why are you so anxious?
Why do you try so hard to control your life?
Why do you burden yourself unnecessarily?
Come to me. Tell me everything.
I know you can't understand, but I do understand.
Let me give you my peace, peace that the world can't give.
O my child, turn your worry into thankfulness.

O my child, why do you wallow in your guilt?
Confess it all to me. It's already gone.
My Son paid the price, for your sins
and for the whole world's.
Know that I forgive you. Your sin is gone.
O my child, know that I love you.


  1. Some of your favorite passages ... spoken from His strong, tender, loving Voice. Beautiful. Thank You.

  2. I am so very blessed to call you my daughter. I miss your heart, your voice, your presence in my life. How wonderful to know that you and I are both under the same watchful Care, held by the same loving Arms.


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