Sunday, August 11, 2013

(Finally) announcing: My new book!!!

I know I've been keeping you all in suspense lately with this "super-secret surprise."

Well, I can finally tell you:  I've been working on a cookbook, and it's coming out in a week!!!

Real Food for the Real Homemaker is a labor of love written by me, Jami Balmet (of Young Wife's Guide, A Biblical Marriage, and Homemaking from Scratch) and Elsie Callender (of Richly Rooted, formerly Back to the Source).

We've written this cookbook to be a resource for young homemakers (like us), who are learning how to cook real, wholesome foods for their family. Besides recipes, it includes eight non-recipe chapters on everything from freezer cooking and frugal grocery shopping to hospitality. It's also packed with recipes (nearly eighty of them!) and photos to guide you in making simple, delicious real-food recipes from scratch. This book will also be great for college students and singles looking to cook better for themselves and their friends (all the recipes can be adapted to serve one or two people), as well as families with lots of children (there are lots of kid-friendly recipes and they can also be adapted to serve six, eight or more people).

The book will come out immediately as an e-book in PDF form, and it will also be available on Amazon for Kindle. And (this is what I'm really excited about), shortly after the e-book comes out the book will be available in a physical paperback copy from Amazon! That means you'll get to hold this book in your hands, add it to the collection of cookbooks on your shelf, and let it get used and loved.

Visit our website to find out more information about the books (and how to become an affiliate for it!), as well as to sign up for e-mail updates so you can find out as soon as it's out!

Also be sure to like our Facebook page for updates. We'd love to get to know you!

I'll have more to share with you later this week. If you have any questions, feel free to email me, comment on this post, or visit Real Food Cookbooks or Living in the Light on Facebook!


  1. Congratulations Jaimie!! This is AWESOME!! I collect cookbooks so you know I'm getting one!

    1. Thanks so much, Aunt Cathy! :) I think you're going to love it :)

  2. Yay! I'll be waiting for the paperback copy. ;)

  3. Looking forward to your book debut! Way to go!


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