I'm so terrible with these things. Lindsey Brackett gave me this award two weeks ago and I'm finally doing a post myself.
I have to be honest with you: I don't always pass these on. Sometimes they feel like those emails that guilt-trip you into forwarding them to 10 friends. But this one was different. Lindsey described me as "the sweetest girl I don't know in real life." Awwww. That made me feel special. :) And Lindsey, it would be lovely to actually get to know you in real life! Someday. :)
Anyway, there are a few rules that I'm passing on from Lindsey's blog:
- Thank the Super Sweet blogger who nominated you
- Answer 5 super sweet questions
- Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in your blog post
- Nominate 12 other bloggers
Thanks again to Lindsey for her thoughtfulness! It's lovely to be recognized. :)
Super Sweet Questions:
1. Cookies or cake? Honestly... it depends on the cookies and cake! Generally, though, I'll go for the cake if I'm given a choice. I like both, but I LOVE cake. Of pretty much any kind.
2. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. 90% of the time, anyway!
3. Favorite sweet treat? Just one?!? This is going to require some thought... I'm very, very fond of cheesecake. Especially if it contains chocolate. And caramel. And toasted pecans. So... I guess, turtle cheesecake would be way at the top of my list of favorite sweet things. :) Then there's Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. I love cinnamon. And my mom's frosted cutout cookies... and homemade brownies... see, I told you I can't just pick one!
4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Usually in the evening, when I'm hanging out with my hubby. If there are no sweets in the house we usually whip up a batch of homemade brownies!
5. Sweet nickname? My brother's godmother--a dear friend of our family--started calling me "Jaimiekins" when I was little. Twenty-plus years later...she still does!
Now for a shout-out to the sweetest bloggers I know! These are all wonderful ladies who are such a blessing to me, whether I know them in person or not. Stop by their blogs and leave them some sweet comments! (Also, ladies, don't feel obligated to continue the Super-Sweet award... but just know I think you're awesome!) P.S. These are in no particular order. :)
Jami from Young Wife's Guide--a good friend who I've never met. Her blog is inspiring and encouraging!
Amy from A Contented, Common Life--I love her encouraging posts and meal plans!
Jamie from See Jamie Blog--I enjoy reading about her family and homeschooling (what is it with all these Ja(i)m(i)(e)'s?)
Julia from black tag diaries--I know Lindsey already nominated her but this is another of my best blogging buddies who I've never met! Love doing Thankful Thursdays with her!
L from All Glorious Within--a beautiful sister in Christ whose love and passion for Him is in every post she writes
Lora at eager hands--an artist who makes beautiful things and gives her Creator the glory
Cari at Life as We Know It--a new wife and mommy-to-be who I met in college, loving following her pregnancy journey
Shaye at The Elliot Homestead--a hilarious writer, whole-living inspiration, and dear sister in Christ
Elsie at Back to the Source--another dear blogging friend and sister in Christ (who I get to meet in person this summer!) whose recipes inspire me in my cooking
Ashley at Stay-at-Home Daughter--a beautiful woman who encourages me in my faith and is on an amazing missionary journey right now
Elisabeth at a blissful simplicitea--a real-life friend who shares my passions for tea, Jane Austen, and Jesus
Nikki at Kindred Spirits--another dear real-life friend who inspires me in so many areas of life: marriage, homemaking, cooking, and living for Jesus
Jami from Young Wife's Guide--a good friend who I've never met. Her blog is inspiring and encouraging!
Amy from A Contented, Common Life--I love her encouraging posts and meal plans!
Jamie from See Jamie Blog--I enjoy reading about her family and homeschooling (what is it with all these Ja(i)m(i)(e)'s?)
Julia from black tag diaries--I know Lindsey already nominated her but this is another of my best blogging buddies who I've never met! Love doing Thankful Thursdays with her!
L from All Glorious Within--a beautiful sister in Christ whose love and passion for Him is in every post she writes
Lora at eager hands--an artist who makes beautiful things and gives her Creator the glory
Cari at Life as We Know It--a new wife and mommy-to-be who I met in college, loving following her pregnancy journey
Shaye at The Elliot Homestead--a hilarious writer, whole-living inspiration, and dear sister in Christ
Elsie at Back to the Source--another dear blogging friend and sister in Christ (who I get to meet in person this summer!) whose recipes inspire me in my cooking
Ashley at Stay-at-Home Daughter--a beautiful woman who encourages me in my faith and is on an amazing missionary journey right now
Elisabeth at a blissful simplicitea--a real-life friend who shares my passions for tea, Jane Austen, and Jesus
Nikki at Kindred Spirits--another dear real-life friend who inspires me in so many areas of life: marriage, homemaking, cooking, and living for Jesus
So many amazing bloggers. Go visit them now! :)
Thank you so much, Jaimie!! It means a lot. :) Hopefully I'll continue it, though I don't know if I know 12 other bloggers!
ReplyDeleteYou are just too stinkin' sweet! Thank you so much for the kind words and the shout out!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm so excited to me you this summer!