Friday, April 5, 2013

Eggs {Foodie Friday}

Fridays are "Foodie Fridays" here at Living in the Light!  If you're new here (especially if you're visiting from the A to Z Challenge)--welcome!!  I'm so happy you're here.  Check out my "About Me" page HERE, some of my favorite posts on marriage HERE, and my two most popular posts HERE and HERE.

You might have noticed a trend with my posts.  I like to talk about God, a lot, and I like to talk about marriage.  But that's not all I write about.  I'm also passionate about food.  And when trying to come up with an "E" word for the first Friday of the A to Z Challenge, the most logical choice was Eggs!

I love eggs.  They're among the most versatile foods, they're cheap, they taste good, and they're a great source of protein and other nutrients.

Just a few of my favorite ways to cook eggs:

-Fried (in coconut oil, they're SO good!)
-In quiche (check out Elsie's instructions HERE)
-As omelets
-Scrambled with veggies and cheese
-"Eggs in a nest" (fried in a slice of bread with a hole cut in the middle)
-In egg bakes (go HERE for a recipe!)

One way I've never learned how to cook eggs was poached.  As a kid, my mom would occasionally make poached eggs on English muffins with homemade Hollandaise sauce.  I never liked how the English muffin would get mushy, and how thick the sauce was.  No offense, Mom, if you're reading this. :)  My mother is an AMAZING cook--I just never liked Eggs Benedict! :)

However, I have always liked hard boiled eggs (never tried soft boiled).  I have fond memories of coloring eggs at Eastertime with my parents and siblings.  I always felt bad destroying the pretty shells, but it was worth it to dip the egg in salt and pepper and eat it!

As a child, my favorite way to eat eggs alternated between fried (using toast to mop up all the yolk) and scrambled.  My mom always beat the eggs with some Dijon mustard, tarragon leaves, salt, pepper, and a little milk.  And she stirred them constantly while they cooked, so they were soft, tender, and delicious, not dry or tough, like scrambled eggs can be.

What about you?  Do you like eggs?  What's your favorite way to cook and eat them?  Are there any other "E" foods you like?


  1. Looks and sounds good, enjoy your "E" post.


    1. Thanks, Yvonne! Hope your shoulders are feeling better soon.

  2. We enjoy eggs here as well. Our favorite way to eat eggs is egg casseroles. After we eat the casserole for breakfast or brunch one or two days, we cut the remaining pieces and freeze them. They make good, easy breakfasts on days that we may be more rushed. Like you, I've never made poached eggs as well. My mom did often for herself since none of us kids would eat them. ;)

    1. That's a great idea! I normally make small batches for just the two of us and we eat it so fast there's nothing to freeze! :)

  3. Just HAD to put this out there...You left out a key ingredient in "my" scrambled eggs - GARLIC! Remember, it was these garlicy-flavored eggs that helped me win your Dad's heart. Hee Hee
    Love you bunches!

    1. I can't believe I forgot! Probably because I don't always use garlic in my eggs, myself (I know, shame on me ;) ). I am making a version of your porketta for supper tonight. :)

  4. I never really thought about it but it's true eggs are so versatile :)

    1. Yes! They also work as an emulsifier and as a leavening agent. God's magic food. :)

    2. Wow I didn't know! That's just amazing! I love when you can use something in so many different ways :)

  5. I LOVE EGGS. Sadly, my body doesn't, so much. But I still eat them. Actually, the older I get, the less my body reacts. That's a good thing. :)

    1. Sad day! I hope that very soon you can eat all the eggs you want with no ill effects. :)


I love reading your thoughts and opinions!