Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Big Reveal--My Theme(s) for the 2013 A to Z Challenge!!

Well folks, it's one week away.

The beginning of the craziest thing I've EVER done blogging.

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge!!

Yup, starting next Monday, April 1, I will be blogging every day on a topic that starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.  So on the 1st, the topic will start with A, on the 2nd, B, on the 3rd... well, you get the idea.

Not only am I going to have alphabetical topics, but I'm going to have a theme for each day of the week!  If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you might have noticed a bit of a pattern.  Well, I'm sticking to that!  I won't have a single theme for the whole month, but instead, six themes--one for each weekday I'll post.  I bet you're dying to know what they are.

Marriage Monday

Titus 2 Tuesday
(topics on godly womanhood)

Into the Word Wednesday (topics on theology, Scripture, and how awesome God is)

Thankful Thursday

Foodie Friday

Serious Saturday

And if you've checked your April calendar yet, you'll see that there are FIVE Mondays and FIVE Tuesdays in April!  So we'll get Marriage Mondays and Titus 2 Tuesdays five times.  How exciting!

If you're not following me yet, you'll want to now, so you can see all the fantastic things I'll be talking about this month!  Just wait till K...Q...and of course, U, V, W, X, Y and Z.  I've got some creative ideas for those letters!

In the meantime, head over to David's blog at Brits in the USA, where I'm joining a bunch of fellow Challengers to share our big theme reveals!

And come back on Monday, April 1, to start out the Challenge with me!  In the meantime, have a blessed Holy Week, and a joyful Easter!


  1. that's bold! and an itriguing combination!

  2. wow! Sounds fun but challenging! If I weren't moving during the month of April, I would join you! :)

  3. Ohhhh good luck! I know someone who tried to do just that last year and got so overwhelmed! Sounds like an awesome plan though!

    This is my first year with the A to Z challenge, even though I've watched it grow over the last 3 years. I'm also taking part in the Reveal. I'm trying to share some positivity with my #WriteMotivation friends on Twitter (and to help keep me positive in the process)
    Hope to see you around. :)

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

    1. I've already figured out all my topics--that was the hard part! Now to write about them :) I'll have to stop by your blog!

  4. Wow. What a great idea to have a different topic for each day of the week. Good luck with the challenge and can't wait to see what you come up with.

  5. I will know where to come for inspiration. Great idea.

  6. I'm glad you have you days in order cause I would be lost from day to day. But they all sound fantastic!

    1. Thanks! I love scheduling things... got it all planned out!

  7. 6 themes could make this a lot easier. Great idea!

  8. i am dizzy... where are we going?
    Jeremy [Retro] #66
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

    1. That's kind of how I'm feeling... what did I get myself in for?!?

  9. Sounds interesting - thanks so much for the shout out..

  10. Mmm, Foodie Friday - is it Friday yet? Cool to change up each day of the week - best of luck!

    1. I'm looking forward to all the days, but I love sharing recipes and cooking ideas! :) Thanks!

  11. It sounds very good. Food for Friday, yummy. How serious a Saturday can get? :) Good luck with everything!

    1. I wasn't planning on a serious theme for Saturday, but the words I picked for those letters all fit in that category. :) Thanks!

  12. Wow! I'm impressed with the themes within the themes and am looking forward to coming back to read more through April! Welcome to the A to Z- it's lots of fun!
    A2Z Mommy And What’s In between

    1. Thanks! It'll be a blessing to have you here! I'm so excited for the challenge. :)

  13. Great themes! I look forward to reading your posts, though as a co-host, it will probably be after The Challenge is over. I'll be running all over that list trying to visit everyone I can...
    Nice to meet another sister in Christ, and congrats on being Arlee's Ambassador. He truly is a wonderful leader.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. Thanks, Tina! Same to you--it's lovely to find fellow bloggers who are also fellow sisters (and brothers!) in Christ. That's one reason I'm so thankful for Lee. :)

  14. Last year was my first A to Z and I did themed days of the week, too (Movie Monday, Writing Tips Tuesday, etc). It was great for giving me both variety and structure. I almost decided to do that again this year, but since I'm such a procrastinator, I decided to go with something much simpler this time. Best of luck with the challenge!

    1. Oh, that doesn't mean I'm not a procrastinator-- I've hardly written any posts yet, and I planned on scheduling all of them! It's OK, though, because I usually write just about every day, anyway. :)

  15. Wow! What a great idea and idea within the idea. This is my third year doing A to Z, the first year I failed (I was themeless!) last year I did Women Writers in Literary History and THIS year, my follow up is Literary Grannies from A to Z. Just can't get enough of women who write and sharing the lesser knowns with the world.

    I look forward to reading you!

    Julie Jordan Scott
    A to Z Participant
    Literary Grannies, A to Z


    1. Thanks, Julie! That is a fantastic, and really creative, idea for a theme! Looking forward to checking out your blog. :)


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