Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thankfulness in the Midst of Suffering

Some days, thankfulness does not come easily.

Less than a week ago, twelve people were killed and several dozen more injured in a senseless shooting in Colorado.

A few hours after that occurred, Joshua and I learned that a fellow student from our college had committed suicide.  She was twenty years old.

These are only the tragedies that have touched us and been a part of our lives recently.  The world is full of evil, pain, suffering, and things that don't make sense.

How can we be thankful in the face of such suffering?

"F" commented on yesterday's post,
"It's so hard to trust that in our pain or struggle something awesome is happening.  On the other hand, to think that was it--pain and suffering just 'cause?  No way.  Give me God!"
We can be thankful because God exists.

Because, despite all the pain, suffering, and confusion, he does make good come out of it.

Suffering is never purposeless.

It may seem that way at times, because we can't always see how God will use it.  But we know, we can trust, that he will.

And, we can be thankful because God tells us to be.
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Thankfulness is to be our constant attitude.
There is always something to be thankful for, in every circumstance, because God is present in every circumstance.

So I am thankful.

I am thankful that God is using the Aurora tragedy to provide believers with opportunities to give testimony to God's grace and goodness, even in the face of evil.

I am thankful that despite the fires, drought and heat, few lives have been lost and there is an end in sight.

I am thankful that God is always in control, that he has power over all things including the forces of nature, and that he is a compassionate and gracious God who will provide for his people no matter what.

I am thankful that in my own life, I am so blessed, with an amazing husband, incredible friends, and family (who I get to see in less than four days!!!).

I am thankful for work--30 hours this week!  God is so good.

I am thankful for the ways God continually helps to stretch and grow me, to mold me into a person more like him.

I am thankful for forgiveness, because I screw up royally every day.  (And that's forgiveness from God and my incredibly patient husband!)

I am thankful for the fact that this world is not the end.  If this life is it, where is the purpose and meaning?  But God has so much more planned.  Give me God!

Linking up with lovely ladies:
black tag diaries; Kate Says Stuff; First Day of My Life; A Punk, a Pumpkin and a Peanut; The Fontenot Four; Live Called 


  1. The newspaper headlines make it so easy to live in fear. Thanks for the reminder that God is in control even when we can't understand why horrible things happen.

    1. You're so right. And you're welcome!! Isn't that a comfort? :)

  2. When I hear of these senseless tragedies, I am reminded to lean into Him. I can't possibly understand the why of what happened by I am so thankful for the who I can turn to when it happens. Thanks so much for sharing! Blessings!

    1. that's really all we can do, isn't it--lean into God, since he understands all things and we don't! Thanks for visiting :)

  3. What a beautiful post and reminder, thanks for sharing! :)

  4. Jaime, God is speaking to us in the same way! I wrote on this very scripture on Wed. It's such a good reminder, and has such power to give us the bigger perspective. :-)

  5. So thankful that God has a plan in our suffering... Thanks for linking up with Thrive @ Home!

  6. Oh wow. This is an amazing post. So many people ask me - how can you believe in God when He lets so many bad things happen. It's so hard to have them understand everything you just said. Thank you for sharing it...what a truly beautiful post, Jaimie!

    Thanks for linking up to Thankful Thursday with First Day of My Life...sorry it took me so long to visit!! Hope you had a lovely weekend :)


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